Covid Informed

Frequently Asked Questions

It is totally understandable that you are more anxious and worried at this time. However, remember to take care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, you are also in a better position to help your loved ones.

Take care of your body.
Eat balanced, nutritious meals. Exercise and take a walk. Set up a sleeping schedule and stick to it.

Consider taking a break from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. Although it is important to keep up with the news, it is also important to take breaks from it

Avoid relying on alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs to manage your anxiety. Talk to your doctor if you want help quitting or reducing using these.

Don’t let misinformation impact your mental health! Here are some ways to identify and avoid misinformation:Be cautious of what you see on social media. People unknowingly share information that is incorrect.  Double-check that your sources of information are trustworthy. Websites such as and are reliable and often a good place to start in looking for correct facts about COVID.

Reach out to friends and family. It is important to check in and share your concerns with your loved ones. They are just a phone/video call away.

Talk to your doctor and discuss your concerns, including feeling anxious and stressed.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for educational purpose only. Given the fast-evolving situation of COVID-19, while the research team attempts to provide timely information on this website, please refer to the COVID-19 information website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the most updated guidelines. Always seek advice from your health care provider for specific recommendation pertaining to your health condition.