Covid Informed

Refer below for more information:


Cám ơn Đặc cho biết Tin Tức

Cám ơn những thông tin hữu ích được học hỏi và ngăn ngừa,cách điều trị bệnh,bảo vệ sức khoẻ cho chính mình và người thân!


Thank you for your information

Good information! Everyone should know!


This information is very useful

One important thing is that some covid-19 patients don’t have any symptom

Tin tức thật hữu ích để mình biết cách tránh bị dính cô vít. Hy vọng mình vẫn khỏe


Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for educational purpose only. Given the fast-evolving situation of COVID-19, while the research team attempts to provide timely information on this website, please refer to the COVID-19 information website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the most updated guidelines. Always seek advice from your health care provider for specific recommendation pertaining to your health condition.